Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The annoying coworker guide

Wouldn't life be much easier if every person at your workplace was like you? What if every employee came in, did their jobs and treated everyone with respect? Hey, we can dream, can't we? Most people have had a bad boss and/or co-worker. Dealing with lazy coworkers in many cases can be a very tough task. We've all got great stories about the annoying people at our office. In fact, it's one of America's favorite pastimes. But what happens when things go to that next level? Tanya Michelle wrote a book called The Chronicles of a Hardworking Slacker, and it reads like a comedy. When that stuff isn't happening to you, it can certainly be really funny. But what happens when the lazy and annoying coworker is your coworker? Dealing with difficult people is an ugly, unavoidable reality for lots of folks in the working world. In Michelle's book, the stories are abounding. This is a book about those folks who can actually stifle your career instead of just making your day a little bit more difficult.The world's full of lazy people many of whom migh be be working in your office. Instead of actually doing something to make themselves better, these people try to bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Do you have a good idea? A bad boss might take that idea, run it by his superiors, and then take all of the credit for it. Hey, that's just the way the game works, right? Annoying people will make your workplace a living hell, and that's what this book is all about. If anything else, it is nice to know that there are people out in the working world who can share in your pain. Misery loves company, after all.Dealing with annoying coworkers is all about letting people run their course. Outsmarting the idiots isn't an easy proposition, especially when they outnumber the normal people by such a large margin. Unfortunately, it's a part of life and we all have to deal with it. The lazy coworker and bad boss will strengthen your resolve, if they don't steal all you drive and ideas first. Anyway, be sure to check out, this book is definately worth a read!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Chronicles of a Hardworking Slacker

There are lots of funny books out there, but not all of them hit the spot closest to home as well as The Chronicles of a Hardworking Slacker ( We have all seen The Office and it paints the perfect picture of what it's like to be around annoying people all day long. Dealing with difficult people is one of those things that can drive even the best of us mad, and it seems as if this is the case in the book.So what things do they talk about in The Chronicles of a Hardworking Slacker? Without going so far as to ruin the book, it's easy to say that Michelle talks about some things that are pretty common in the American workplace. It is time that you just face the facts. People are stupid, crazy, and in many cases, a combination of these two things. When those things happen in your office, there are a few different ways to handle it. You can either get mad and let these folks drive you mad, or you can write a book about it. {That is a much better plan, especially when it's a funny book that talks of the maddening bad boss and the slackers abounding~That is a much better plan, especially when it's a funny book that talks of the maddening bad boss and a lazy coworker~That is a much better plan, especially when it's a funny book that talks of an annoying and lazy coworker~That is a much better plan, especially when it's an informative and entertaining book about a lazy coworker~That is a much better plan}.{Some of the stories in this book are much too real to really be funny~Some of the stories in this book are so real, that's why they're even funnier}. A bad workplace is enough to bring a lot of people down and make them less motivated. As the book says, don't let those wild oats get you down. They might try to steal your ideas and make it by with the smallest amount of effort possible, but that is just the way it is. {These folks are around in almost every industry, and it's a good bet that almost everyone has had to deal with a bad boss at one point in time~These people are in every industry, and it's a safe bet that almost everyone has had to deal with a lazy coworker at one point in time}. Consider it a rite of passage, and a mark of honor that you were able to survive a person who is so very good at squashing your dreams.This book should hit home with the average person, just as The Office tv show did. It brings to light and makes fun of the things that don't seem nearly as funny when they happen to you. But if you can read about others' misfortune, why not? That seems like a good idea to me.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Micheal Of The Office, A Hardworking Slacker
For anyone who has ever reckoned it a liability to be a slacker or has been made to feel self-conscious of their natural desire to disdain the tedium of trying to look busy, the television show, The Office, offers a redeeming image to the unfortunate enmity that lazy coworkers have had to endure over time. Essentially, the show is a virtual paean to the art of slacking. The boss, Michael, is the representative dunce of the office, preferring to occupy his time contriving jests rather than doing anything remotely close to constructive work; a satirical twist on the usual charge of slacking attributed to the employees by the boss. As one of his more critical employees, Stanley, says, he is either a genius or preeminently clueless. In either case, their branch enjoys great success in the otherwise waning fortune of the paper industry. By liberating the office employees from putting on a pretense of hard work, he encourages them, through example, to adopt the self same mockery to the job that he has adopted. Even in his attempts at sincerity, his impulsive candor and lack of cordial restraint more often than not only results in annoying people, but in such a way as to give license to his employees to conduct themselves in the same manner. Everyone in the show is refreshingly, even if at times annoyingly, real to themselves and to others. In dealing with difficult people, Michael has a whole litany of seemingly unconscious reactions to choose from, none of which any self-respecting adult man would be wont to use so unflinchingly as he demonstrates the habit of doing. In all of his interactions he shows a total disregard, whether out of ignorance or out of insensitivity, to the conventions of civil behavior. He also shows no distinction between stereotypes and facts, using the former to establish most of his arguments. But, to call him a bad boss would be unfair insofar as his slacking is what motivates his employees. The good luck of having a boss who could give-a-damn removes that too often used complaint of having someone looking over your shoulder. Respect, honor and recognition play minor roles in the true pursuit of job satisfaction. Everyone in their heart of hearts wish to attain to that pinnacle of success whereby they can slack with impunity and enjoy work by not working. The episodes of The Office are, for all intensive purposes, the chronicles of a hardworking slacker.