Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Chronicles of a Hardworking Slacker

There are lots of funny books out there, but not all of them hit the spot closest to home as well as The Chronicles of a Hardworking Slacker ( We have all seen The Office and it paints the perfect picture of what it's like to be around annoying people all day long. Dealing with difficult people is one of those things that can drive even the best of us mad, and it seems as if this is the case in the book.So what things do they talk about in The Chronicles of a Hardworking Slacker? Without going so far as to ruin the book, it's easy to say that Michelle talks about some things that are pretty common in the American workplace. It is time that you just face the facts. People are stupid, crazy, and in many cases, a combination of these two things. When those things happen in your office, there are a few different ways to handle it. You can either get mad and let these folks drive you mad, or you can write a book about it. {That is a much better plan, especially when it's a funny book that talks of the maddening bad boss and the slackers abounding~That is a much better plan, especially when it's a funny book that talks of the maddening bad boss and a lazy coworker~That is a much better plan, especially when it's a funny book that talks of an annoying and lazy coworker~That is a much better plan, especially when it's an informative and entertaining book about a lazy coworker~That is a much better plan}.{Some of the stories in this book are much too real to really be funny~Some of the stories in this book are so real, that's why they're even funnier}. A bad workplace is enough to bring a lot of people down and make them less motivated. As the book says, don't let those wild oats get you down. They might try to steal your ideas and make it by with the smallest amount of effort possible, but that is just the way it is. {These folks are around in almost every industry, and it's a good bet that almost everyone has had to deal with a bad boss at one point in time~These people are in every industry, and it's a safe bet that almost everyone has had to deal with a lazy coworker at one point in time}. Consider it a rite of passage, and a mark of honor that you were able to survive a person who is so very good at squashing your dreams.This book should hit home with the average person, just as The Office tv show did. It brings to light and makes fun of the things that don't seem nearly as funny when they happen to you. But if you can read about others' misfortune, why not? That seems like a good idea to me.

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